What does flood insurance cover
Almost any day of the week, you can listen to the news and hear about flooding somewhere in the United States. Rising seas have made other natural disasters more likely to result in extensive flood damage. Even as little as an inch of water in your home can cause thousands of dollars in damage. Protecting yourself makes all the difference. At Land Home Insurance Services in Concord, CA, we are an independent insurance agency that offers our customers a choice of top carriers and insurance products.
Flood insurance is a product of FEMA (Federal Emergency Maintenance Agency), which is issued through the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program) directly or through one of their approved carriers. It is designed to lessen the impact of flooding on homeowners, renters, and businesses. The fact remains that floods are not covered with homeowners, renters, commercial insurance, and insurance needed to provide protection.
Flood insurance is sold in two parts: building and contents. You can purchase both or just one. The maximum coverage on a building is $250,000, and the contents are $100,000. Like most insurance, there are exclusions. To purchase one of these policies, you must live in one of the 23,000 communities that are part of NFIP.
The building policy covers the structure of your home and the foundation. It also covers the major systems needed in your home’s such as electrical and plumbing. Your furnace, water heater, and central air conditioning are included. Additionally, anything that is a permanent part of your home, such as flooring, kitchen cabinets, built-in appliances, and bookcases.
Content insurance covers your furniture, washer and dryer, small kitchen appliances, electronics, and clothing. All the things that make your house a home.
Contact Land Home Insurance Services in Concord, CA to discuss your flood insurance needs and any other insurance needs you may have.