Do I Need RV Insurance All Year?

Yes, you should always have coverage of some type that varies depending on the way you’re using your RV throughout the year. The trick is figuring out the best kind of coverage and the provider who can give you the most competitive price. Land Home Insurance Services of Concord, CA can help you determine if you need regular coverage, storage RV insurance, or full-time RV insurance.

Storage RV Insurance

If you primarily keep your RV for summer vacations with the kids, it will spend most of the year in storage. Most insurance providers offer reduced coverage options that lower your premiums when the RV is not in use. The policy will usually keep coverage for the RV as if it is a piece of property, filling the gap that would be left if you tried to rely on your homeowners’ policy if the RV is damaged or stolen.

Full-Time RV Insurance

On the other end, if you’re using an RV as a full-time residence, you will need insurance that goes beyond the standard RV insurance packages. With full-time RV insurance, your policy will include options that are seen in homeowners’ insurance policies. Since most of your valuable items and many personal actions will be inside of the RV, the coverage protects you from risks like a guest’s medical lawsuit while injured in your RV or a thief stealing your valuables.

Get the Right Policy for Your RV Usage

Balancing the different variables of insurance policy coverage options while also hunting for a provider that offers a good deal can be challenging. With the help of us standing by at Land Home Insurance Services, residents of Concord, CA and the surrounding area have potential allies ready to help navigate the insurance world.

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